The longer I walk with Jesus, the more I trust Him. Just like the old Hymn says He gives us "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow." Great is His Faithfulness!

The longer I walk with Jesus and the more “life” I go through, the more thankful I am for His faithfulness. He is my rock. My constant. My peace. My strength. My comforter. My hope. My joy & My love! ❤️
I am thankful that His mercies are new every morning and that He provides for us what we need and not just what we want, because He truly knows what’s best for us ...and He knows how this story ends, y’all 🙌🏼
...So I trust Him completely, even when it’s hard and doesn’t make sense. Some may think that’s foolishness, but I choose to believe and be full of Joy, Peace, Hope and Love in good times and in tough times, rather than be worried, stressed-out, anxious, and fearful. My God is good all the time. Even when life isn’t. If you long for that hope & ever have questions about God, I’d be happy to chat with you. Just reach out.❤️